The Strategic Storyteller
The ability to find, craft, and tell a story is an essential tool in the professional communicator’s arsenal. Contrary to the notion that storytelling is just a nice “add on” to strategic communication, this session will show how it’s actually at the very core of our work. Used strategically, a well told story can convey an organization’s mission and culture, attract the attention of the media, raise funds, sell a product, influence decision makers, and even help societies embark on new paths. Stories that resonate propel political candidates into office, move a business ahead of the competition, and form the basis for social movements and causes that effect lasting changes. While narrative is a powerful strategic tool, learning how to communicate a story in and across different media is a skill requiring intense discipline and effort. An average presentation, annual report, marketing brochure, or website will always become more compelling through established and emerging techniques for applied storytelling.
The purpose of this session is to provide you with a deep and broad understanding of stories and how they can be used in strategic communication. Drawing from a wealth of evidence-based and field-tested work on storytelling from both local and global contexts, participants will learn why stories tend to be so powerful and—with a focus on the written, performed, and transmedia aspects of storytelling—gain experience in telling stories to achieve organizational objectives.
Your skills will be sharpened through a lively discussion, storytelling exercises, workshop-style coaching, and in-session practicing presentations. By the end, you will walk away with a new mindset and a host of strategies that can be immediately implemented in your everyday work.
Elizabeth Ruiz
Psychology of a Leader, Principal, Researcher and Facilitator
Houston, Texas, United States
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