
Efficient and Secure Software Delivery with Azure Deployment Environments and Dev Box

DevOps has improved the speed of software development, but organizations still face the challenge of providing an efficient and secure infrastructure for teams while balancing agility, security, and compliance. To address this, Azure Deployment Environments is a new service that provides project-based templates to quickly spin up app infrastructure while maximizing security, compliance, and cost-efficiency.

By defining environment types, organizations can make it easy for developers to deploy environments with the right services, resources, and policies applied. Azure Deployment Environments integrates seamlessly with CI/CD tooling, ensuring a smooth transition from development to production.

In addition, Azure Dev Box offers a streamlined development experience by providing developers with pre-configured environments tailored to their needs. This tool ensures consistency across development environments and facilitates collaboration among team members.

This session will provide a demonstration of the features and setup of Azure Deployment Environments, including integration with Azure Dev Box and CI/CD pipelines, showcasing how these tools collectively enhance software delivery efficiency and security.

Erwin Staal

Azure Architect @ Xpirit, Author of 'Azure Infrastructure as Code'

Assen, The Netherlands

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