
The Future of Meetings: Navigating Microsoft Teams Premium's Advanced Features

Step into the future of corporate communication with 'The Future of Meetings: Navigating Microsoft Teams Premium's Advanced Features'. This session is a deep dive into the world of Teams Premium, showcasing its cutting-edge features designed to transform your meeting experiences. We'll explore each feature in detail, discussing its practical applications and benefits for your organization. From setting up advanced meeting options to enhancing end-user engagement, you'll gain insights into the full spectrum of Teams Premium capabilities. Our hands-on demonstrations will guide IT Admins through the configuration process while providing business leaders and corporate communications professionals with a clear view of the user experience. Whether it's about facilitating seamless large-scale webinars or conducting interactive town halls, this session is your roadmap to mastering Microsoft Teams Premium. Join us to unlock the potential of next-generation meetings and propel your organizational communication into a new era of efficiency and engagement.

Technical Requirements: This session will include live demonstrations requiring a stable internet connection, access to a Microsoft Teams Premium environment, and projection capabilities for screen sharing.

Target Audience: Geared towards IT Administrators, Business Leaders, and Corporate Communications/Marketing Professionals. Ideal for those responsible for implementing and managing communication tools within their organizations.

Licensing Focus: We will discuss Teams Premium licensing requirements, helping attendees understand who needs Teams Premium and the cost-benefit analysis involved.

Teams Premium vs. M365 Copilot: The session will delineate the distinct functionalities of Teams Premium in the context of meetings, webinars, and live events, contrasting it with the broader capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot.

Preparation for Teams Premium: Emphasis will be placed on preparing IT Admins for the deployment and management of Teams Premium features, ensuring they are well-equipped to leverage these tools effectively.

Previous Deliveries and Relevance: This session represents the first public delivery of this content, offering fresh, up-to-date insights into the latest Teams Premium features.

Preferred Session Duration: 60 minutes, to accommodate an in-depth exploration of features, licensing details, live demos, and a Q&A segment.

Interactive Elements: The session will include interactive elements like real-time demonstrations and Q&A to engage the audience and address specific implementation queries.

Galen Keene

Chief Business Transformation Leader | Lion Tech LLC

Ladera Ranch, California, United States


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