
Comparing Power Pages (Portals), Canvas Apps, and Model-Driven Apps

Choosing between Canvas and Model-Driven Power Apps can be challenging for those unfamiliar with the Power Platform. After all, to some extent, they’re almost identical. Both Canvas and Model-Driven apps are low-code frameworks for creating business applications. They share similar components, and the results are pretty much the same.

Above all, why should you integrate Power Pages into your toolbox after Microsoft's announcement about Power Pages? How does it differentiate from the Portals? Especially since it's built on the foundation of Power Apps Portals, providing the same robust capabilities and pro developer experiences along with a new low-code maker experience and out-of-the-box templates to design modern business sites.

If you want to learn about Power Apps App creation strategies, what to use, and when, this session is for you!

Gokan Ozcifci

Consultant. Entrepreneur. Microsoft Regional Director & MVP.

Brussels, Belgium

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