
Project Chronicles: Unveiling 35 Years of Wisdom - What Not to Do in the World of Tech Projects

Embark on a journey through the annals of project management with our dynamic duo – an experienced architect and a seasoned project manager, boasting a whopping 35 years of combined wisdom. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of insights as we shine a spotlight on the pitfalls to avoid in the tech project landscape.

This talk is not your typical lecture; it's a lively exploration of the biggest mistakes witnessed throughout our careers. Whether you're a developer, business analyst, or quality assurance guru, we've got tips tailored just for you. From the intricacies of code to the nuances of project analysis, no role is spared from our treasure trove of learnings.

Join us not only for the invaluable advice but also for the entertaining banter between our architect and PM – a dynamic duo that doesn't always see eye to eye. Good projects, great projects, or those delightful hot messes – we've been there, seen it all, and can't wait to share our tales with you. After all, in the world of projects, laughter and wisdom go hand in hand. Don't miss out on the tips, and stay for the friendly disagreements – because let's face it, where's the fun without a little debate? =)

Heath Murphy

VP, Consulting Services for CGI

Columbus, Ohio, United States


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