
From Business Goals to Software Requirements

Building software that fulfills business goals is the core task of software development teams. To turn business goals into software, stakeholders must align their perspectives and priorities. They often use shared textual artifacts to achieve alignment but with limited success. These artifacts have many names: requirements, features, user stories, use cases, specifications, etc.

As Domain-Driven Design practitioners, we believe that software requirements are best created as a result of a collaborative modeling process. Impact Mapping and Domain Storytelling are highly visual collaborative modeling methods that support conversations about requirements. They help you to approach requirements from two different angles:

- Linking business goals with impacts that a software product has on its users: Discuss goals, actors, impacts, and deliverables.
- Designing cohesive and viable business processes as Domain Stories: Discuss how actors and software systems work together to achieve an impact.

In this talk, we will show you how to bridge the gap between the business goals and deliverables with Impact Mapping and Domain Storytelling. To help you apply the methods to your context we will conduct a demo about a real-world scenario: A business stakeholder and a development team are having a conversation about WHY they need to build WHAT. Impact Maps and Domain Stories serve as a common thread running throughout the conversation.

Stefan Hofer

WPS – Workplace Solutions GmbH

Hamburg, Germany


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