
T-SQL Window Functions in PostgreSQL 15

I am also Oracle DBA so when SQL Server 2012 supported window functions I publish before everyone first article about SQL Server and windows function in SQL Server magazine.
In this session you will become an expert who can use window functions to solve T-SQL query problems. Replace slow cursors and self-joins with queries that are easy to write and perform better. I will cover the latest performance enhancements through PostgreSQL 15.
Window functions are useful in analytics and business intelligence reporting. Once you begin using window functions, such as ROW_NUMBER and LAG, you will discover many ways to use them. You will approach SQL Server queries in a different way, thinking about sets of data instead of individual rows. Your queries will run faster and easier to maintain. I will cover:
• Exploring Ranking Functions: ROW_NUMBER, RANK VS DENSE_RANK
• Window Aggregate Functions
• Running and Moving Aggregates
• Using Frames and Window
• LAG and LEAD windows functions
• FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE windows functions
• Statistical Functions
• Tuning windows functions
• T-SQL Windows Function in SQL Server PostgreSQL 15

Yitzhak David


Nahariyya, Israel

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