
Don’t fear if the forecast is Cloudy!

Many folks hear "Cloud" and get scared. IT Pros and Developers can get scared because they don't know how Cloud Services work. Business Users hear Cloud and don't understand what it means to their capabilities to run the business. Compliance and Security Teams make assumptions about how they can do their job ensuring the business data is secure and meeting compliance.

Come hear about the move to the Cloud from the perspective of a person who transitioned from traditional IT Operations and Server Hugger to Service and Site Reliability Engineer running Enterprise solutions in the Cloud on Office 365 and Azure. I had to embrace the Cloud and DevOps mindset and I can help you understand how to start down this path for yourself.

The presentation will be brief so you can bring all of your questions to get answered.

This session is meant to be primarily question and answer after hearing my story about my own career.

Jared Shockley

Sr. Software Engineer, Microsoft

Redmond, Washington, United States

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