
Let’s do (another) technical exercise!

During my career I spent countless hours developing data projects where I had no idea what their business impact was. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to encounter several projects where this was not true. Realizing the business impact of my work not only made me get much better recognition / promotion, but it helped me to be much happier with what I’m doing. Through out this session I would like to share with you:
- How to bring business value into your day-to-day work.
- What roles should be in my team/company to clarify the business value to data team.
- How not to lose focus on business value through the data project journey.
- Frameworks and tools that can help you advance on your path as data professional.

Level: Beginner
Area: Non-technical, Strategy
Duration: 40-60 minutes

Jaroslav Reken

Jaroslav Reken, Chief Data Strategist @ Joyful Craftsmen s.r.o.

Prague, Czechia


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