
AI - A paradigm to shift

A computer program or software designed to make a decision or solve a problem without any human input. How? The answer lies in the session.

Many Tech giants have already worked in this domain and developed some great tools to help the world in their daily doings. Right now we have Google Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Oracle Vision, and many more. How they got this thing to be developed? The session will tell you the kind of road map and process flow that how this thing works. Thank You!

"AI - A Paradigm to Shift" captures the essence of how AI is changing our understanding and approach to numerous fields. This shift can be seen in areas like healthcare, education, business, and even the arts. It’s not just about automation; it’s about rethinking processes, enhancing creativity, and enabling new forms of interaction.

What specific aspects of this paradigm shift are you interested in discussing? For instance, the technological advancements, ethical implications, or the impact on jobs and skills?

Jatinkumar Parmar

Machine Learning Researcher | Independent Consultant (ML/AI)

Surat, India


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