
Is Power BI Desktop no longer needed? - The case in favour of browser-only development

For developing Power BI reports and semantic models, Power BI Desktop has long reigned supreme, but Power BI Desktop comes with multiple issues:

Power BI Desktop is dependent on local hardware, local operating system, and frequent updates made by the user, to stay performant, relevant and even useable.

Simultaneously, two major tracks of innovation has made it more than attractive than ever to ditch Power BI Desktop altogether:

- GIT Integration between Workspaces and Azure Dev Ops makes browser development a breeze, improving version control, collaborative development and deployment processes.

- Web Model Authoring and Fabric makes it possible to build enterprise grade semantic models leveraging DirectLake solely in the browser, eliminating the need for ETL in Power BI Desktop/Power Query.

This session will try to make the case in favour of browser-only Power BI Development, and showcase a paradigm of collaborative development of reports and semantic models without ever touching Power BI Desktop.

Jon Vöge

Senior Consultant at Inspari - a valantic company

Copenhagen, Denmark


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