
Docker for python developers and data analytics

Docker is a powerful tool for packaging software and services in containers and running them on a virtual infrastructure. Python is a powerful language for data scientists and analytics. In this talk I will show how we can join both technologies and combine them to create python applications oriented to data analytics.

I will show how we can make use of Python and Docker to build robust data analysis workflows that can be used in the context of a datascientist

These could be the main talking points:

-Introduce docker for data analysis.I will explain the core ideas behind docker and show how they can be useful for data analysis

-introduce docker client for access the data we have in our containers and show in details how works the docker API

-Introduce open ource Python tools which uses the docker client to analyze data in containers

-Analyze the main images we can find in docker ecosystem for data scientits like jypyter and modules like sklearn or tensorflow

-I will show some examples and use cases for scientists data analysis

Jose Manuel Ortega

Software engineer & Security Researcher

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