
Building a Well-Architected API in .NET (Workshop)

For many applications, a modular monolith architecture is an ideal fit, providing the benefits of code modularity and simplicity of deployment without the unnecessary complexity of microservices. This workshop is designed to guide you through the process of building a .NET API project as just such a well-architected modular monolith.

We will start by exploring Minimal APIs, a lean and efficient way to build APIs in .NET. The workshop will also cover the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern, as a way to effectively separate read and write operations for improved performance and scalability. We will then delve into FluentValidation, a library for building complex validation rules that are easy to read and maintain.

The concept of Vertical Slice Architecture will be introduced, an architecture style that structures projects around features rather than layers, increasing cohesion and reducing coupling. The workshop will cover the use of MediatR for implementing the Mediator pattern, promoting loose coupling and better separation of concerns. We will also get hands-on experience with Micro ORMs, which simplify data access while maintaining flexibility. Lastly, we will dive into Carter, a library that allows writing more functional code in ASP.NET Core.

This workshop is a must-attend for .NET developers seeking to enhance their API development skills and learn about the latest trends and best practices in the industry. The workshop will be hands-on, providing attendees with practical experience in building a well-architected API in .NET. Join us for an engaging, informative, and hands-on learning experience!

Jonathan "J." Tower

Microsoft MVP; Partner at Trailhead Technology Partners

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States


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