
What Would You Do With Your Own Google?

On November 30, 2022, I had the pleasure of speaking at FAST University about a topic that's close to my heart: "What Would You Do With Your Own Google?" As someone who has spent years studying and working in the technology industry, I've often wondered what I would do if I had access to the same resources and capabilities as one of the world's most powerful tech companies

In my talk, I began by exploring the concept of innovation and why it's so important in the technology industry. I discussed the role that companies like Google have played in driving innovation, and how they've been able to leverage their vast resources and capabilities to create new products and services that have transformed the way we live and work.

Next, I discussed my own vision for what I would do with my own Google. I talked about how I would focus on leveraging data and machine learning to create new tools and services that could improve people's lives. For example, I discussed how I would use Google's vast data resources to create personalized healthcare recommendations, or how I would use machine learning to create more effective educational tools.

I also talked about the importance of transparency and user control in any technology platform. I discussed how I would prioritize user privacy and data protection, and how I would work to create tools and services that put users in control of their own data and information.

Finally, I wrapped up by discussing the importance of collaboration and partnership in the technology industry. I talked about how I would work to create partnerships with other companies and organizations, and how I would leverage their resources and capabilities to create even more innovative products and services.

Invited as a guest speaker at FAST-National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES)

Muhammad Junaid Iqbal

Empowering You to Reach New Heights with Expert Mentorship and Training

Lahore, Pakistan


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