
Racial Trauma & Healing as Understood by Psychologists, Public Health, & Educators

As psychologists, public health professionals, and educators, we know that racial trauma among Asian Americans is consistently linked to reductions in psychological wellness and there is a critical need for healing (in many forms). This panel will address the different racial violences and traumas among Asian American communities. We also highlight the steps to racial healing and lean into the various forms. Specifically, the panel will start with unpacking racial trauma with a deep historical dive into the experiences of Cambodian Americans. Then we move to a discussion of attention-grabbing violence (fast violence) v. less-visible violence (slow violence) on Asian Americans and tap into steps to racial healing. We build out the discussion and move racial healing from the individual to the community. The presentation ends with a specific focus on racial trauma and healing for Asian American students in the helping profession.

Kevin Yabes

Postdoctoral Psychology Fellow, VA Pacific Islands Health Care System

Honolulu, Hawaii, United States


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