
Hard Earned Lessons From Using Azure Functions

Step away from the polished stages of BUILD or Ignite keynotes and dive into the real-world trenches of Azure Functions with us. This talk isn't about dazzling you with idealized demos but preparing you for reality.
Azure Functions is a powerful tool, but what happens when the lights from the keynote stages dim? When you're in the thick of production, facing issues no demo warned you about? That's where the actual journey begins.

In this session, we'll take you through the less-trodden path of using Azure Functions in production environments. We'll share the challenges we faced, the unexpected hurdles, and the hard-earned solutions. You'll learn about the potential pitfalls and, more importantly, the strategies to overcome them.

Expect an honest discussion on how using Azure Functions may require rethinking your software design and development approach. This isn't just a talk; it's a reality check and a guide for those ready to use Azure Functions effectively and wisely.

Kevin Griffin

Owner of Swift Kick, Microsoft MVP

Chesapeake, Virginia, United States

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