
I can tell your peers about DevOps without scaring them (and so can you)

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Ask anyone about what DevOps is and likely you'll get response along the lines of "automation, pipelines, scary tech stuff". While yes, you're going to see those concepts (and tech is not so scary, promise!) in a DevOps transformation, DevOps is far more about a culture shift.

A shift in mindset, in behaviour, in making things easier and effectively managing risk while doing so. A shift in putting smiles back on the faces of engineers and anyone they interact with.

In other words: This talk is about the things your developers wished management knew about DevOps.

So let's explore that together, on a journey where we grab concepts like The Three Ways to help craft a strong definition and story to our peers: I can explain DevOps without scaring you, and after this talk, so can you.

Session aimed at non-technical / non-engineering positions, like Scrum Masters, Product Owners, managers and the like, to get a grasp on DevOps. But technical staff can benefit all the same.

Kevin Boots

Chief Technology Officer @ DevOn

Nijkerk, The Netherlands


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