
The Good, the Bad and the downright Ugly: Stories of (non-)effective culture in a DevOps world

The C in CALMS, the People in PPT, the thing that eats strategy for breakfast.
The concept most people overlook in organizational change in favor of tools and technology, but coincidentally the same thing most companies struggle with in any major change, doubly more so in a 'DevOps transformation'.

Together, let's examine some stories of both effective and....well, very non-effective culture & behavior in a DevOps setting. We'll talk post-incident analysis with SolarWinds, bridging silo's with a Coin Game, see how pair/mob programming isn't just for programmers and how metrics can be fooled time and time again.

You'll walk away with:
- How to handle incident processes in an effective manner
- What steps you can begin with to bring 2 silo's closer together
- Basic patterns for pairing / mobbing regardless of speciality or seniority
- Some fun examples & games you can utilize in your own environment to get the points above across further!

Given multiple times at in-house company conferences around digital transformation, best fits when audience has a (limited/basic) understanding of DevOps principles. Can be varied from short (+-20 mins) to longer (60mins) and adapted to meet event/company needs. I.e.: Incorporating company / event values or mission, utilized frameworks or switching from a GIF showing the Coin Game to actually having attendees PLAY the Coin Game.

Kevin Boots

Chief Technology Officer @ DevOn

Nijkerk, The Netherlands


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