
Generative AI and LLM Mambo Jambo

This session will introduce you to the concepts, theory and practical use of Generative AI in the world of AI Large Language Models, whether you use GPT-4, Dalle-3, Llama or other models to interact with Generative Text and Images. The idea behind agents, gatekeepers and the orchestration needed using Langchain or Sematic Kernel. You will gain an understanding of what is RAG (Retrieval-augmented generation), what is ReAct (Reasoning and Acting) and what is COT (Chain of Thought) and how they influence the execution of LLM (Large Language models).
You will gain solid understanding of the topics and get excited about going back and start dreaming or hallucinating, whichever you prefer.

Lino Tadros

Technical Fellow and Distinguished Executive

Orlando, Florida, United States

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