
Defender's Guide to Cloud Native Infrastructure Security

This talk is focused on why, what and how we can add security value into modern cloud native infrastructure. Organisation using micro services and distributed architectures uses containers, kubernetes and modern infrastructure. Understanding these technologies and applying security principles like defense in depth, least privilege, secure by defaults, etc are some of the things we will see in this session.

By end of this talk participants will be able to understand some of the common and real world security problems. Applying pragmatic security using tools, technologies and procedures (TTPs) to build secure cloud native infrastructure. In this talk, we will see how to apply security at different layers like infrastructure security, supply chain security and run-time security.

Also end of the talk, speaker will give away the reference checklist and guide for building secure infrastructure with available resources in their daily operations.

Madhu Akula

Pragmatic Security Leader

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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