
Event propagation across microservices using Pulsar and CDC.

Modern distributed database systems often process terabyte-to-petabyte scale data with demanding analytics workloads while undergoing constant transactional updates. This leads to architectures involving multiple purpose-built systems that need to interact. For example, a write-oriented system to capture time-series data for Internet of Things (IoT) applications needs to share updates to a search-oriented system for analytics and queries. The velocity of change of data requires a similarly scaled messaging bus to keep these disparate systems in sync.

This talk will examine an architecture comprising a column-oriented NoSQL database (Scylla) using Change Data Capture to identify updates that need to be shared with a search engine (Elasticsearch), using Apache Pulsar as the scalable and performant mechanism for synchronization.

Users will learn how to configure Apache Pulsar to consume Change Data Capture (CDC) updates coming from a Cassandra Query Language (CQL) based NoSQL database and provide them to an Elasticsearch downstream consumer which uses Elastic Common Schema. The advantages of using Pulsar for a scalable, high-throughput, low-latency intermediary over other existing methods (Apache Kafka, Lightbeam Akka and message queuing services) will be highlighted.

Maheedhar Gunturu

Director of Solutions and Partnership engineering.

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