Mini-Workshop: Tidy First? - Mini-Refactorings for better Software Design
In his groundbreaking book "TidyFirst?", Kent Beck demonstrates that refactoring doesn't always have to be a daunting, time-consuming task. Even small, incremental "tidyings" can significantly speed up future feature development. This session will delve into the practical application of these "tidyings" (mini-refactorings) on existing legacy code, addressing key questions such as:
* Does tidying up code make economic sense?
* When is the optimal time to tidy up?
* How much cleanup is beneficial?
Participants will gain hands-on experience as we explore and apply these small tidies together in an interactive format. Join us for an engaging session where we will clean up code until it shines, making it more efficient and maintainable. Let's make your code flash and blink with newfound clarity!
Marco Emrich
Consultant and software crafter at @codecentric
Nürnberg, Germany
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