
Lightning Talks

Reducing social media helped me become a better developer - Raphael Haddad

In a dopamine driven world getting your next 'hit' can be easily done on social media and this can cause you to lose focus. On social media people from a diversity of backgrounds advertise their filtered life on social media and this can cause some negative impacts on their followers, even if they are not aware.

We all have problems in life: family, financial, or legal. However posts on social media are often filtered so that the best things are shown. This is my story of how I became a better developer, a better listener, and did more with myself by reducing social media.


The key(board) to workplace happiness - Chris Lewis

We all deserve to be happy at work, and happy developers are better developers. Even small things can make a big difference. Have you ever really been “happy” with your keyboard? What if I told you that using the perfect keyboard could make every day that little bit better? I'll tell you my story of how a keyboard obsession helped make me a better developer, and why we don’t need to leave our hobbies at work’s door.


Back to the future: Taking a history lesson from the Web - Dom Wenden

With the rapid pace of change with the web, we often focus on new and spectacular ways to solve a problem when history is most often our best teacher. In this talk I'm going to go through how by looking backwards to embrace some good old fashioned Web 0.0, we ultimately pushed ourselves forward and managed to solve an embarrassing architectural problem at Domain.

A Top-Down Approach to End-to-End Testing - Martin McDonagh

Over the years I have talked with many people, from those who have specific testing requirements like web or mobile to those who want that extra little feature that says, “Oh wow, it does that.” I have talked extensively about, heard stories and helped address issues with numerous testing applications. Whether you are doing it or not, end-to-end testing is something we all should be engaging – especially in the day and age of more and more systems becoming integrated. This discussion includes:

What is end-to-end testing?
Who is doing end-to-end testing and why?
Common mistakes to avoid with end-to-end testing
Real stories from the fire-side

The audience leaves the session knowing the benefits of end-to-end testing and learns from others’ mistakes as we become more involved in the bigger picture rather than siloed into functional UI testing or backend API testing. This talk highlights some bumps and corners along the way, but at the end, attendees are on a straighter road to working in a successful testing environment.

Droning on about drones - Ken Faulkner

Drones are everywhere; photography, racing, agriculture, surf-life-saving and many other uses. People controlling drones is one thing, computers controlling drones is FAR more fun.

Join me while I give a lightning presentation about remote piloting/programming drones for the purposes of good. What you need to get started and "gotchas" will be covered.

There *may* be a live demo.... (code demos are always fun, a physical demo is just asking for trouble)

The will be minimal mention of my plans for Skynet


Martin McDonagh

Product Engineer @ SmartBear Software

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