
Architecting for Observability

Observability is more than just installing just an agent on a machine and sending it to a backend so you can visualise it. As our systems have evolved to be more bespoke, nuanced, and less monolithic so have the needs we have for debugging how they're running in our production environments.

In this talk we'll cover some of the techniques you'll need to build robust telemetry pipelines that allow your backends to provide the maximum value.

We'll cover:
* Deployment patterns for gathering telemetry
* OpenTelemetry Collector usecases
* Sampling, head/tail/dynamic/adaptive and the benefits/drawbacks
* Zero-code agents and curated/bespoke telemetry
* Kubernetes, Azure, AWS and the different patterns for each.

You should come away from this session with a wider understanding of how you can architect your platform and applications to make better use of telemetry in Post-APM world.

Martin Thwaites

Developer Advocate

Manchester, United Kingdom


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