
From Data to Insights: Azure Open AI and Cognitive Search in the Spotlight

Data is undoubtedly the precious treasure that businesses rely on to succeed in today's world. However, we often hear about this exciting, groundbreaking Generative AI that is changing everything. Sounds promising, doesn't it? But to be honest, many of us face the same questions: "How do I get started with it? How can I ensure responsible use of AI in my company? How do I protect my data from unauthorized access?"

I have personally experienced these questions and challenges. In my presentation, I'll take you on an exciting journey where we'll explore real-world examples of how to safely implement Generative AI in your company. We'll also delve into how you can build trust in this technology and integrate valuable data into your Generative AI applications. And yes, Microsoft Azure Open AI and Azure Cognitive Search will be our trusted allies throughout.

In other words, I'll show you how straightforward it is to create a chat interface with Azure Open AI as a website for your company. Additionally, I'll demonstrate how you can use Azure Cognitive Search to access information directly in your chat interface. I'll illustrate all of this in a practical manner, so you can implement these steps directly in your company.

After this session, you will understand:
- How to securely implement Generative AI in your company.
- How to build trust in AI solutions.
- How to integrate valuable data and information into Generative AI applications.
- How to effectively use Microsoft Azure Open AI and Azure Cognitive Search to achieve these goals.

Join us and let's explore the path from data to insights with Generative AI and intelligent data search.

Duration: 45 minutes
Speaker: Microsoft MVP
Target Audience: Business leaders, decision-makers, consultants, and developers

The session will include demonstrations, real-world examples, and Q&A opportunities

Michael Megel

Microsoft MVP and Technology Evangelist ... Never stop learning!

Dresden, Germany

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