
Write Better Python Code With SOLID principles

In the field of object-oriented programming and software design, SOLID principles are a set of 5 principles that facilitate code testing, maintenance and readability. The benefits of adopting these principles in their code development include more agile software deployment, increased code reusability and scalability, and improved debugging. These principles are a subset of those stated by Robert C. Martin, known as Uncle Bob, in his article Design Principles and Design Patterns.

SOLID is the mnemonic acronym that refers to each of the principles by its acronym in English. These acronyms are:

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

In my session I'll talk about each of these principles providing concrete examples to enable antendee to conceptaulize and get a deeper understanding of these principles.

By the end of the session attendees will be able to:
- Understand the SOLID OOP design principles
- Write robust, clean, maintainable and readable python code.

Target Audience: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced
Duration: 30 minutes

Mukisa Geofrey

CTO, Koodeyo Technologies Limited

Kampala, Uganda


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