
Optimize user onboarding/offboarding with Azure Identity Governance

User onboarding & offboarding are often forgotten. A good onboarding experience is welcoming to the new user and allows for us to keep track of access and privileges. A good offboarding is important to make sure access and privileges are deleted. In this session we will learn how to create and use Catalogs and Access Packages to allow for an optimized user experience for both internal and external users. We will keep track and review access using “Access Reviews”.

Identity Governance is in my opinion not covered enough in events/webinars. I hope to shine some light on the topic with this session. Keeping track of access and privileges is a big struggle for a lot of my customers. By using Identity Governance we have seen an optimized user experience and a more secure environment as managers or data owners are able to review access in a monthly or quarterly manner.

Nicklas Ahlberg

Trusted Security Advisor @ Onevinn AB

Lund, Sweden


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