
Using Streams and Services for Flutter State Management

In Dart, Streams continuously emit values.

In Flutter, we can create service classes. These services are globally available singletons that can keep track of values.

In your Flutter codebase, you can combine them such that services expose stream(s), while at the same time emitting values to those stream(s).

In the UI, you can use StreamBuilders to auto-update the UI when the streams emit values. Also, services can listen to changes in streams of other services.

The above is a neat App-Wide State Management architecture you can use in any Flutter codebase (irrespective of the large scale).

You can use it in place of other state management architectures that come with performance issues. learning curves, and many dependencies.

In this session, the audience will get to understand the above with a simple demo of the Counter App.

As a bonus, the session will also explain how to navigate from anywhere using the above architecture.

Obumuneme Nwabude

GDE Dart & Flutter

Abakaliki, Nigeria


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