
Embracing Observability - Transforming Applications and Systems through Observability

Observability is a vital principle that enables you to understand and optimize the behavior and performance of complex applications and systems. In this session, you will learn how to leverage observability to proactively identify, diagnose, and resolve issues, leading to improved application performance, reliability, and user experience.

You will explore practical approaches, advanced tools, and best practices for designing and developing observable applications that are easy to monitor and troubleshoot. You will see real-world case studies and you will leave with practical strategies you can implement in your own projects.

This session is relevant to seasoned developers, systems engineers, DevOps practitioners, and IT leaders seeking to elevate their technical prowess and revolutionize their development practices.

Join us in this session and learn how to embrace observability and how it can help you transform your applications and systems

Hope Oluwalolope

Software Engineer @ Microsoft, Community Manager

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