
Learning how to manage... in the hard way

When I was proposed to manage a team 10 years ago, I didn't even remotely know what to expect. Later, when I had to manage projects, I found things that I had not imagined. When I went further and got involved in changing the processes of a company, I did not know how complicated it can be. Everything I know about management I learned the hard way. I was learning it as I went, reading, finding references, and getting help from peers from other companies.
Because when you are a manager, it is rare for someone to tell you how to do things or help you carry them out.
I hope this talk is helpful for those who want to be managers so they can prepare for what is coming. And for those who already are, let them see themselves reflected and not feel alone anymore.

Pablo Bouzada

Engineering Manager at ViaPlay Group

Barcelona, Spain


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