
Simplifying Android Accessibility

Making your Android App accessible can appear to be a scary task - we generally have little knowledge of the tools, even less so for the communities we're trying to help. It can be so overwhelming that sometimes we actively ignore the problem. Join me as I untangle some of the myths around accessibility, what the most impactful changes are you can make to your app, and introduce a tool I wrote to make this process much more streamlined.

In this session I will be looking at why we should consider accessibility early and what questions to ask during refinement. I will show you how to incorporate accessibility into your development cycle, with code, and what are the practical elements you can do to reduce regressions. I will also introduce you to the Android Ally, an Android Studio Plugin that I wrote that is available on the Jetbrains marketplace for free.

Quintin Balsdon

Android Accessibility Engineer, Spotify

London, United Kingdom

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