
Kotlin API Transparency for Library Author

API Transparency for Library Authors

As a library author, we sometimes forget about fundamental requirements that need to be available.
In this presentation, I will cover things that need to be set by library authors to make sure the library that they provide has clarity and easy to use.

1. Code and Naming Convention
- *OrNull
- *orDefault
- consistency of naming
- get/fetch/read
- set/save/store
2. explictAPI (Kotlin Compiler)
- strictMode
- kotlin binary compatibility
- why we should not omit return type
- clarity
3. Deprecation Stages
4. Rollout Experimental APIs
5. Kotlin Hidden Cost
- Feature Languages
- Impurity (side-effects)

Raditya Gumay

GOJEK, Lead of Android Developer Experience

Jakarta, Indonesia

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