
A world before Microservices

With all the buzz around microservices everyone wants to jump the wagon from their monolithic services and break them apart and be agile with microservices. And then there are also small teams of 2-3 engineers who start with microservices from day 1 and continue to grow the number of microservices they have to manage. The world of microservices, as many who have tried before will tell you, is not a paved road , and there are many factors to consider before going all in to make it work. One of the foremost is to understand your business domain and form the right bounded context followed by stellar monitoring and handful of toolset to manage and run them effectively.

In this talk we will first look at the pros and cons of both Monoliths and Microservices respectively. And then look at how to build Organized Monoliths which can be a solution in between while you are still figuring out the business requirements and trying to figure out the right bounded context.

Rezaul Hoque

Director of Engineering at Wave Financial Inc. | ex-Microsoft

Toronto, Canada


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