
Break free from maintenance hell with Clean Code

If you ever had to find the bug late night and asked yourself how to do it better next time. See this talk and find out you are not alone and there are even worse things to discover. See what you can do today to create a better world for future-you :) Spoiler Alert: some examples will make you laugh and then cry :)

Robert C. Martin coined the term "Clean Code" in his eponymous book for software development. But what is clean code and what does this have to do with the maintainability of software? In this talk, you will find practical examples of how small improvements in "code cleanliness" can have very positive effects on the maintainability of your software. Using examples from more than 15 years of project experience, you will learn techniques that you can still use today in your code.

Richard Fichtner

Principal Software Architect / CEO at XDEV Software GmbH

Weiden, Germany


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