Test everything like (it was) a unit test
Writing automated tests that are stable, fast and independent can be easy and cost efficient, especially when knowing what to test, to test "just right". For the whole stack.
In this talk, Aki will explain a useful model on how to test any unit - and takes the model out of it's roots and shows how the same model actually applies in general. This talk will explain how the simple model can be used to figure out automated testing strategies in general. As an example, Aki will show with concrete code examples how to write simple and easy-to-read integration tests for event-driven microservice architecture.
This is important, because in software development, we programmers often experience unit tests that are hard to read and needs constant maintenance. While on the other end of automated testing we often have very brittle and hard-to-maintain end-to-end tests. It does not need to be like that. We can do better - if we only knew How.
In this talk, we will go through the model that is inspiring and easy to remember - that explains the How. Then, with concrete examples, you start to see how the How actually is universal. How the How also enables contemporary Exploratory Testing to be more fun - how we can use scripts and tools to do aid us in testing. Understanding the How can help us in knowing what we need to do in order to gain insights and confidence on the system we're working with.
The talk uses event driven microservices architecture as an example. Only because that looks difficult to test, but shows that it actually is not. And seeing how the model works here, Aki believes it proves the point.
Because in the realm of agile software development, mastering the art of effective automated testing is essential. The reason Aki goes on stage to share this talk is to inspire you to learn and practice more these skills and bringing them into your production app.
After this talk, you will learn to
- take ownership of test strategy as a whole team
- write stable, fast and independent unit tests
- write tests for event driven microservices
- plan automated testing strategy for a whole app.
- See how automation enables contemporary exploratory testing.
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