
Lightning Talks 2023

A quick succession of small sessions with the goal to educate and entertain the audience right before ending the conference.

- Kushul Soomaree - 10 Tips to make your website more accessible
- Keessun Fokeerah - Why should we even care using the Mauritius Internet Exchange Point (MIXP)?
- Jeshta Bhoyedhur - Instant App Development
- Muhammad Yusuf AbdoolSatar - The State of Go
- Danshil Kokil Mungur - Line endings
- Chittesh Sham - Debugging
- Sandeep Ramgolam - What's new in CSS

The format is known to the organizers, but i'll try to improve it in terms of logistics. i.e make the laptop switching process smoother and possibly end with a game that involves the audience !

All of the speakers are not confirmed yet except 3. I want to give the opportunity to some new faces to be part of the line up and diversify the team as much as possible.

The 1.5 hour segment that was allocated during the last conference was much appreciated. We might also have a theme for the speaker(dress code) to make it extra fun!

Any suggestion from the devcon organizers is most welcome to make this even better.

Sandeep Ramgolam

Livestorm, Senior Front-End Engineer

Port Louis, Mauritius


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