
Unlocking Observability with OpenTelemetry: A Journey into Distributed Tracing

In this talk, we embark on a journey into the world of observability with OpenTelemetry. We'll explore how OpenTelemetry empowers developers and operators to gain deep insights into the behavior of their applications in distributed environments. Starting with an overview of observability concepts, we'll dive into the key components and architecture of OpenTelemetry. From there, we'll discuss the benefits of distributed tracing and how OpenTelemetry facilitates the collection, aggregation, and visualization of trace data. Additionally, we'll showcase a small demo illustrating how OpenTelemetry can be integrated into a sample application to provide real-time insights and actionable data for debugging and performance optimization. By the end of this talk, attendees will have a clear understanding of how OpenTelemetry can revolutionize their approach to monitoring and troubleshooting modern, cloud-native applications.

Santosh Kumar Perumal

Opensource Enthusiast

London, United Kingdom


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