
MVVM and DI ! There's a reason everyone is talking about it

Anyone who is getting started with android development usually stumbles upon the terms MVVM architecture and Dependency Injection, though almost everyone can define them but most of them do not understand what's the need or use MVVM or DI.

In my session I would like to explain what is MVVM, what problems does it solve, and how do companies use MVVM to their advantage. I would also like to discuss about a mixture of MVVM and clean architecture, as it may help people broaden their perspective about Android Architecture.

Then I will also help understand the main problem which Dependency Injection solves(For eg: You need to build an instance of Room in ViewModel, and for that, you need ApplicationContext, but unfortunately that's not available in ViewModels, that's where Dependency Injection Comes to rescue), after we all have an intuition of the problem, with the help of Dagger Hilt I will show how to solve the problem. And I will also just give an overview about the other benefits of using DI like, promoting code reusability, making testing easy, etc.

Key Takeaways and Learning Points
The session will help folks
- Understand the need for MVVM, and its advantages
- Understand the need for DI and its advantages
-Understand how people usually go with designing the architecture of an android app

I will keep the session in a way that we first identify a problem , and then try to solve it , and then I introduce the topic or the technology as a way/tool to solve the problem

I have worked with MVVM and DI in both of the internships I did , I have made several personal projects using both too, the eye-opening experience for me regarding android architecture was when I was part of the team working on building an app from scratch and we finalized on using a combination of MVVM and clean architecture as it best suited our needs!

Priyank Shankar


Delhi, India

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