
Hack the Planet! What Movies can Teach Us about InfoSec

The movie industry is over 100 years now, older even than the computing industry in many ways! It's seen just about every form of computer technology come and go over its long history, and often has something to say about it. Sometimes profound, but often ridiculous.

In this talk, we're going to look over the last 100 years of cinema history, to see what it has to say on the subject of InfoSec, Hacking and other security topics.

On our cinematic odyssey, we'll be looking at topics such as:

* How the dinosaur incident in Jurassic Park could have been easily avoided with a few simple changes
* What is the most accurate hacking movie?
* Who was the first hacker depicted in cinema? The answer might shock you!
* A 90s cyber-thriller that clearly doesn't understand the difference between websites and executables
* How baddies throughout cinema history could have been unbeateable with good password policies

Grab a bucket of popcorn, and let's dive on in!

Simon Painter

Senior Developer at Müller Dairy | Microsoft MVP | O'Reilly Author

Telford, United Kingdom


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