Best Practices of Deploying Cloud Native Database (TiDB) on SDS (HwameiStor)
Many advantages of Cloud Native DBs, such as microservice, containerization, separation of storage / computing, HTAP, NewSQL, etc., are increasingly recognized and widely used. TiDB is based on Google Spanner / F1 techs., and the open source TiKV/TiFlash DB engines support both OLTP/OLAP businesses.
HwameiStor creates a local storage pool by centrally managing mixed types of disks, provides persistent distributed LVMs for stateful workloads, already deployed in many production systems to support apps like ES/Kafka/MySQL/MinIO/Ceph/Harbor,addresses the current limitations of the LVM in K8s of no data protection & data mobility across the nodes.
In this proposal, we are showing some best practices of running TiDB on HwameiStor with some unique arttributes:
1. Scalabilities: Online local volume expansion/node disk expansion/node expansion
2. High-availability: Conversion of non-HA & HA volumes
3. Volumes migration with the pods drifting after K8s eviction
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