
.NET Apps Everywhere!

Developing cross-platform applications is complex. Some frameworks allow us to share the business logic and some go further and allow us to share the UI layer. But even then – working with device hardware requires developers familiar with each target platform to maintain it and can still lead to error-prone platform-specific code.

What if you could write it all in either C# or XAML, from any dev environment, deploy to any platform, at 5x the speed, and have it all pixel-perfect without any lock-in? Enter Uno Platform, an open-source project enabling amazing dev productivity for building Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and WebAssembly apps!

In this session, we will provide a brief overview of what Uno Platform is and how it works before we take a deep dive under the hood and see where the magic happens.

Steve Bilogan

Senior Engineer @ Uno Platform

Kingston, Canada


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