
The State of Azure

The industry is in a state of flux. What does that mean for your software projects today and tomorrow? Will your skills be outdated? Will your current investment become obsolete? What should you focus on right now? And what will become important a year or two down the road? What technologies do you need to learn?
This session attempts to answer these questions and more, by taking an unbiased look at current and future state of Azure.
As part of the CODE/EPS team, and in his day to day work at Cloudeon, Tiberiu is in an unique position to share information based on real world experience in projects that are either our own or one of the many projects we get to see in our role as mentors, trainers and consultants, as well as feedback we receive from CODE Magazine readers. This is NOT marketing hype! You will hear which technologies you should invest time and money in, and which ones to avoid.

Tibi Covaci

App Innovation Lead at Microsoft Denmark and Iceland

Helsingborg, Sweden

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