
There can be only one!

Java developers are spoiled for choice: competing standards are vying to be the one true way you log, test, query, inject dependencies or handle web requests. But with choice also comes a proliferation of half thought out experiments, new or outdated ways to do things, and an increasing pressure to make sense of it all. What was a valid choice a decade ago, could now be the reason you’re called up in the middle of the night to patch a vulnerability. What if there were an easier way? A way to consolidate on your one true tech stack? And migrate with ease when preferences shift?

In this talk we’ll look at how you can achieve tech stack consolidation, by evaluating the options available to you, choosing the one true way to fit your process, and phase out any alternatives that came before. We’ll look at automation through OpenRewrite, which offers you an easy way to move between competing standards with automated migration recipes. Gone are the days of being stuck with choices made a decade ago. Today’s the day you choose your own path forward. Vendors: take note! Your users might be gone tomorrow.

Tim te Beek

Staff software engineer at Moderne

Nijmegen, The Netherlands


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