
Instrument your .NET services with OpenTelemetry tracing

In this 2 hours workshop we will learn how to instrument several .NET applications with OpenTelemetry tracing, so we can trace cross-service activites and visualize them using popular tools and dashboards. We are going to cover:
- Quick overview of OpenTelemetry standard
- Bootstrapping .NET applications with OpenTelemetry tracing
- Setting up Docker containers for additional services
- Tracing HTTP, database and message queues
- Exporting traces to Jaeger, Elastic APM and Honeycomb
- Running sample applications and inspecting generated traces

Prerequisites for the workshop:
- A computer with .NET/C# IDE (e.g. Visual Studio or Rider)
- Docker
- (optional) If you want to display traces in Elastic APM or Honeycomb you will need to set up and account there, otherwise you can use Jaeger

Vagif Abilov

Singing programmer

Oslo, Norway


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