
From Pong to Playstation: The Evolution of Video Games

Blip... Blip... Blip...
Those were the captivating sounds that echoed from the game Pong back in 1972, accompanied by a handful of pixels bouncing across the screen.

This session invites you to fast forward from those simple beginnings to today's gaming world, illuminated by ray-traced graphics and orchestrated soundtracks, transforming the humble blips of Pong into a grand symphony of digital artistry.

Let's revisit key moments that have forever shaped the landscape of video games, leading us to the immersive gaming experiences we enjoy today. Whether you're a veteran gamer or just a casual player, this nostalgic expedition promises to be an enlightening, entertaining, and engaging experience.



Wesley Cabus

Coding Architect, Coffee Enthusiast

Antwerpen, Belgium


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