
Sara Anstey

Sara Anstey

Novacoast - Director, Data Analytics and Risk

Wichita, Kansas, United States


Sara Anstey is the Director of Data Analytics and Risk at Novacoast who is passionate about empowering businesses to use everyday data to make strategic business decisions. She believes that the intentional adoption of a data-driven culture can be a key differentiator to companies in today’s security climate. Sara has experience in custom web development, artificial intelligence, data analytics, business intelligence, and applied statistics.

Area of Expertise

  • Business & Management
  • Information & Communications Technology


  • cyber security
  • cybersecurity
  • cybersecurity awareness
  • AI and Cybersecurity
  • Women in Cyber
  • Database
  • Data Science
  • Data Analytics
  • Risk Management
  • IT Risk Management
  • Quantitative Risk Analysis

The Human Factor: Quantifying Human Risk

This talk will explore the growing field of human risk management and quantification, diving into the next step in an organizations risk journey - quantifying people. We will talk about where the market is, how people are adopting it, and what organizations can gain from human risk management.

The Algorithmic Advantage: Optimizing Cybersecurity with Computer Science

This talk highlights how core computer science algorithms can guide life decisions and enhance cybersecurity operations. Through real-world examples, we’ll examine three key algorithms, illustrating their value in counterintuitive yet effective cybersecurity practices.

Educating Your Guesses: How To Quantify Risk and Uncertainty

Asking for budget and justifying spend in cybersecurity departments can be a difficult task due to limited data and high uncertainty of future events. This talk will dive into quantitative risk analysis as it relates to cybersecurity - how to model uncertain events and understand financial risk. Attendees will see a first hand demonstration of how quantitative modeling can be used to communicate risk and understand ROI. Attendees will walk away with the tools needed to present cyber risk as a dollar amount that can be easily understood by other business decision makers at their company.

Attracting and Retaining a Millennial Workforce

With cyber talent already at a shortage, employers are having a hard time finding and retaining quality workers and understanding their needs for fulfillment. Every day the workforce becomes more composed of millennials and gen z's who have different values and priorities than any previous generations. This session will dive inside the mind of millennial in cybersecurity and analyze the values and ideals that drive them to make decisions about their careers.

Sara Anstey

Novacoast - Director, Data Analytics and Risk

Wichita, Kansas, United States


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