Scott Stoll
Flutter Community / Good Dog Apps
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Scott is a long-time Flutter developer, since Alpha in 2017. He's spoken in the US and internationally in places like Calgary, Oslo, Stockholm, Droidcon London, and the Google Plex in Mountain View.
His community involvement includes being the owner of the Flutter Community Slack, creator and co-host of the weekly livestream #HumpDayQandA, and an organizer of GDG Cleveland. He's also secretly the real mastermind behind Pinky and the Brain's plan to take over the world.
He is a strong advocate for the adoption of Big/Black/Old dogs (BBO) and he has rescued multiple older Pitbulls who were severely abused or neglected.
Area of Expertise
Using Gemini to control the user's screen remotely.
Remote Flutter Widgets (RFW) is a package that allows developers to change the layout of a screen remotely, dynamically, at runtime. But what if we substitute Gemini for that server, and allow it to decide what to show the user at any given moment based on information about what the user is doing with the app at the time?
It's not that it could be done, it's already been done. Now imagine what you can do with it!
Flutter 102: "The Next Step", Layout Basics
Everyone knows "Hello World", but what do you do next? Flutter 102, "The Next Logical Step", addresses this by taking attendees step-by-step through the process of creating and layout out an image, text and custom buttons in a way that allows for fine-tuning the element positions as needed.
2-4 hour workshop. It's been running 2.5 - 3 hours but if we keep discussion down it will fit in 2.
Flutter's Row and Column Multi-Child Layout Algorithm
At the heart of every layout are Rows and Columns, and in Flutter the heavy lifting done under the hood for Rows and Columns is the six-step multi-child layout algorithm. Beginning and intermediate Flutter developers can struggle for weeks, even months trying to understand exactly what is wrong as they get error after error about unbounded constraints and infinite sizes in their Flutter UI layouts.
When you know how the sausage is made, your frustrations just fade away into bliss and contentment. Okay, not really but at least you won't have so many headaches trying to deal with layout issues. So come find out what's happening under the hood, because it will make you a better dev, and your friends will think you're a Flutter God when you explain why they can't get their layouts to work!
The truth about Flutter, with an intro to it.
Scott Stoll has been with Flutter since Alpha, in 2017. The dumb rumors and bad information about Flutter flying around Twitter and other places is astounding.
Come learn the reality. What Flutter is, what it isn't, what it can do for you and why it's safe to use because no, Google isn't going to kill it no matter what Twitter says. We'll go over the why of that, too.
It's a new session. I've been doing advanced talks for some time so it would be nice to do an intro session again. I live in CLE and can drive down to Cinci, I've done it before. Gas and hotel would be nice, but aren't necessary. Speaking experience includes international conferences in Calgary, London, Oslo, and Stockholm. Please don't hesitate to text with any questions, 216-544-2945
Tips and Tricks for Speakers
At the tender age of 26, Scott was pulled aside and taught the finer points of how to give presentations, "as a mercy to his audiences". Since then, he's made a fool of himself on stages in more than thirteen cities on two continents, spanning eight timezones and more third-rate pizza slices than any human should have to endure.
What can you learn from a person like that? Funny you should ask...
- The four main classes of talks.
- Death by over-preparation.
- Event speakers work the whole event, not just 40 minutes of it.
- Handling stage fright.
- Grabbing their attention from the word go.
- Being entertaining enough, but not too much.
- How to spot when you're losing them.
- Shaking an audience up.
- Mistake recovery and handling massive SNAFUs.
- When to script it and when & how to wing-it.
- How to impress event promoters so you get invited back.
So are you in your seat yet, or should I tell you more?
DevFestYYC 2019 Sessionize Event

Scott Stoll
Flutter Community / Good Dog Apps
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
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