
Aaron Stannard

Aaron Stannard

CEO, Petabridge

Houston, Texas, United States

Aaron is the founder and CEO of Petabridge, and the co-founder of the Akka.NET open-source project. Petabridge is a world leader in building distributed systems and distributed systems tools in the .NET ecosystem; Petabridge’s customers span the globe, ranging from Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, Bank of America, S&P Global, and CitiGroup to early stage startups.

Prior to Petabridge, Aaron founded MarkedUp Analytics, a real-time in-app marketing and analytics service used by 1000+ developers.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology
  • Business & Management


  • Akka.net
  • NBench
  • distributed systems
  • devops
  • C#
  • .net
  • .net core
  • Open Source Software

Distributed Tracing: How the Pros Debug Concurrent and Distributed Systems

As more and more developers move to distributed architectures such as micro services, distributed actor systems, and so forth it becomes increasingly complex to understand, debug, and diagnose.

In this talk we're going to introduce the emerging OpenTracing standard and talk about how you can instrument your applications to help visualize every operation, even across process and service boundaries. We'll also introduce Zipkin, one of the most popular implementations of the OpenTracing standard.

Avoiding Microservice Pains with Distributed Actors and Akka.NET

Microservices promised development teams a brand new world when it comes to developing, deploying, and distributing software. We could code services in any language, deploy them independently, enjoy partial failure instead of total, and straight-forwardly partition our teams along the same boundaries as some of our services.

But with these benefits came more expense and unanticipated costs. We now need multiple layers of routing and load-balancing. API gateways. Service discovery. Message brokers. Kafka. Laser manifolds. gRPC++ MQTT quantum tunneling. And so on.

In this talk we present a more refined, standardized, and simplified approach to building highly available, responsive, and distributed systems: distributed actors via Akka.NET. With this approach, we can eliminate most of the third party infrastructure needed to build effective applications, improve response times, and decrease human costs associated with building highly available software.

Enterprise Grade Continuous Delivery for .NET Developers

When the Akka.NET team shipped Akka.Cluster out of beta in it took years of hard work across team members working all over the world. Akka.Cluster is the bedrock of distributed systems built using Akka.NET, and it is depended upon by banks, oil & gas, healthcare companies, e-commerce, and scores of other massive businesses. It has to be SOLID.

In the process of building it the Akka.NET team developed one of the most robust, aggressive, and thorough QA processes in the .NET community in order to validate it.

This talk describes how to build automated tests, benchmarks, multi-system tests, model-based tests, and everything else a .NET developer might need to build and test mission-critical / performance-sensitive distributed systems.

Beyond HTTP: low-level socket programming with .NET Core, Spans, and more

In a world dominated by HTTP APIs and request-response services, we often take for granted the underlying networking technologies that make the modern Web possible, such as TCP and UDP.

In this talk we're going to learn how to harness the power of socket programming to build applications that are real-time, stateful, and capable of inter-operating across operating systems and devices. We're going to use the latest .NET Core APIs for working with zero-copy memory structures such as Span and Memory to make these applications fast, and we're going to apply socket programming best practices such as message framing and pipelining to make reads and writes performant.

Building High-Performance, Concurrent Systems with Akka.NET and the Actor Model

In this workshop we're going to learn how to build highly concurrent applications using the Akka.NET framework and the actor model.

You'll learn the basics behind the actor model and how it simplifies the process of developing concurrent applications, the syntax of Akka.NET actors, and general best practices for constructing and developing applications using the Akka.NET framework.

The class will be taught in C# using examples that run on .NET Core.

NDC London 2019 Sessionize Event

January 2019 London, United Kingdom

Aaron Stannard

CEO, Petabridge

Houston, Texas, United States

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