Call for Papers

Call for Papers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 28 days ago

ThreatModCon 2024 Lisbon

event date

29 Jun 2024


SUD Lisboa Hall Lisbon, Portugal

First ThreatModCon in Europe

Backed by overwhelming demands from the attendees of the inaugural ThreatModCon in Washington, DC last year, we're thrilled to expand and launch the first Threat Modeling Conference (ThreatModCon) in Europe! ThreatModCon 2024 Lisbon is an event for application security professionals, researchers, developers, architects, testers, and practitioners to discuss and share their knowledge on threat modeling techniques, methodologies, tools, and best practices. We invite the submission of original and innovative research, case studies, and practical experiences.

Conference Theme

Advancing Threat Modeling Capabilities Together

finished 144 days ago
Call for Papers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Feb 2024

Call closes at 11:00 PM

04 Mar 2024

Call closes in GMT Standard Time (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .


The conference welcomes contributions from a wide range of topics related to threat modeling, including but not limited to:

  1. Threat modeling methodologies and frameworks
  2. Threat modeling techniques and tools (OSS)
  3. Uses of machine learning and AI for threat modeling
  4. Security design patterns
  5. Privacy and data protection considerations in threat modeling
  6. Risk analysis, prioritization, and management
  7. Training and awareness for threat modeling
  8. Case studies, best practices, and lessons learned
  9. The role of standards, guidelines, and regulations in threat modeling
  10. Integration of threat modeling into DevSecOps and Agile development
  11. Threat modeling research 

Session Format


Speaking slots are set for 30 minutes (recommended: plan for 20-25 minutes of presentation with additional time for Q&A).


Speaking slots are set for 90 minutes (recommended: plan for 20-25 minutes of presentation with the remaining session dedicated to hands-on exercises).

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished material in English. Submissions should be made through the conference's submission system:


Looking for examples of successful submissions? Check out the sessions of our conference from last year:

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: March 1st, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 20th, 2024
  • Full paper submission deadline: April 30th, 2024
  • Conference date: June 29th, 2024

Review Process

All submissions will undergo a blind review by the conference's program committee, composed of experts in the field. The review process will assess the submissions' relevance, originality, technical quality, applicability, and clarity. If necessary, mentorship opportunities will be offered to help elevate promising submissions.

The Program Committee will be the final decider of acceptance or not. Feedback to submissions not accepted will be given on a case-by-case basis, upon request by the author, at the discretion of the Committee. The number of speaking slots is very limited so we will be looking for complete high-quality submissions within the guidelines provided above.

Access to the Conference

All presenters must register for the conference. Registration details, including fees and deadlines, will be available on the conference website. Authors whose submissions are selected will receive complimentary access to the Conference.

Contact Us

For any inquiries regarding the submission process, conference program, or general information, please contact the conference organizers at

We look forward to receiving your contributions and meeting you at the ThreatModCon Lisbon 2024!

event fee

free for speakers