
Timo Pertilä

Timo Pertilä

Microsoft MVP (Business Applications) / Power Platform + Microsoft 365 geek / Speaker / Blogger

Helsinki, Finland


Power Platform Consultant. 20+ years' experience on IT industry. Helping customers to make the most of their Microsoft investments.

Currently working most of the time with Power Platform. But loving also Teams, Planner, SharePoint, Microsoft Graph, PowerShell, Bot Framework etc.

Wrote over 200 blog posts related to Power Platform.


Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • Power Platform

Enhancing Your Power Apps Proficiency through App Replication

Join me in this engaging session as we embark on the journey of constructing a fully functional replica of the Microsoft Teams client using Canvas Power Apps.

Throughout this hands-on experience, attendees will gain valuable insights into creating sleek and responsive user interfaces with Power Apps.

Discover a plethora of practical tips and tricks to elevate your Power Apps development skills, ensuring your applications not only look impressive but also perform optimally.

Moreover, you'll find that trying to make copies of existing app user interfaces is a superb way to enhance your Power Apps development skills. By closely replicating existing apps, you'll not only learn the intricacies of UI design but also become adept at implementing functionality seamlessly.

This session presents a unique opportunity to not only hone your skills but also gain a deeper understanding of Power Apps' capabilities. Don't miss this chance to supercharge your Power Apps expertise and take your UI design and application performance to the next level

Mastering REST API Calls with AAD Authentication in Power Platform

Are you looking to take your Power Platform skills to the next level? This session is for you! Learn how to call REST APIs that use AAD authentication in Power Platform and understand the differences between delegated permissions and application permissions.

Whether you are a seasoned Power Platform user or just starting out, this session will provide valuable insights and hands-on experience with REST API calls and authentication in Power Platform. Join us and take your skills to the next level!

Case story - Building Time Tracking solution with Power Platform

In this session, I will share my story of how I built a time tracking solution for our employees using Power Platform. The solution has been in use for three years now and has become an essential part of our daily operations.

Join me as I take you through this journey including how we came to choose Power Platform, how the solution has evolved over time, and the lessons I learned along the way. This session promises to be an engaging and informative experience for those looking to learn about building custom solutions with Power Platform.

Power Platform Best Practices

Many organizations have just started their Power Platform journey. Everything is new and maybe a little bit confusing. In the worst scenario, this will slow down the whole adoption of the Power Platform.

In this session, I go through common mistakes people and organizations do with the Power Platform. Some are just small details, some are bigger ones. But you should be aware of these.

Introduction to the Power Apps cards

Microsoft Learn says: "Power Apps cards are micro-apps with enterprise data and workflows and interactive, lightweight UI elements that other applications can use as content."

Clear enough?

Power Apps cards are a relatively new tool in the Power Platform. They are like actionable messages, but easier to build and use. You can simplify your processes by using them.

In this session, you will learn
- why and when use Power Apps cards
- how to build them
- how they are different from actionable messages

And of course, you will see examples of different Power Apps cards!

4 steps to take control of Power Automate and Power Apps in your organization

Citizen developers are here with Power platform. They will create plenty of nice Flows and Power Apps.

But if organizations aren't prepared, it will be a total mess from the governance point of view.

After this session, you will know how to avoid this mess in a way both citizen developers and IT are happy.

Top 10 things people mess up with Power Apps

With every tool, you can do things perfectly, fine or almost fine. This is ok.

But in some cases, you can make horrible mistakes.

In this session, I go through common mistakes people do with Power Apps. Some are just small details, some are bigger ones. But as a Power Apps maker, you should be aware of these.

Tips & tricks to build nice looking and performant Power Apps

Power Apps is a wonderful tool. You can build applications unbelievable fast with it. Power Apps can be used by phone or browser. You can embed it to Teams, SharePoint, Power BI, or Model-driven app.

Power Apps are everywhere! And everyone can build them.

But there are two common topics when talking about Power Apps.

1) They all look the same (and ugly)
2) They are slow

In this session, you learn what you can do about these 2 topics.

Mastering canvas Power Apps

Canvas apps are often underestimated. You might think that they are just slow and ugly mobile applications built on top of SharePoint. But no. They offer much more. If you are building low-code solutions with Power Platform, mastering the canvas app is one of the most important skills for you.


Canvas apps seamlessly integrate across the Power Platform ecosystem. You can enrich model-driven apps with them in many ways. You can also use them with Power BI reports. If you are working with SharePoint, you can extend SharePoint with canvas apps as well! Usually, all this has been done with custom development. But not anymore.

In this session, I walk through different ways you can extend your solutions with canvas app.

While canvas Power Apps serve as a powerful tool, it's not a solution for everything. So when you shouldn't use it? This question is also addressed in this presentation.

Navigating Power Platform Security: Pitfalls and Best Practices

Power Platform has plenty of built-in security features. For example, users use connections with their credentials, secrets can be used from the Azure Key Vault, data can be protected with DLP policies, and much more.

But these nice features have their pitfalls. Your solutions might not be as secure as you believe.

In this practical session, I walk through the most common pitfalls. From the maker and the IT point of view. You will discover how the most common security features function and what considerations you need to keep in mind when using them.

CollabDays Finland 2024 Sessionize Event Upcoming

September 2024 Helsinki, Finland

Bizz Summit ES 2023 Sessionize Event

September 2023 Madrid, Spain

SharePoint Hyvät, pahat ja rumat (SharePoint Good, Bad and Ugly) 2022

2022 - Power Platform new features

December 2022 Helsinki, Finland

Power Platform Nordic Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

September 2022 Stockholm, Sweden

Scottish Summit 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Glasgow, United Kingdom

European Power Platform Conference

April 2022 Berlin, Germany

Virtual Scottish Summit 2021 Sessionize Event

February 2021

365 Saturday Warsaw 2020 VIRTUAL Sessionize Event

October 2020 Warsaw, Poland

Microsoft Techdays 2020 Sessionize Event

March 2020 Helsinki, Finland

SharePoint and Office365 Saturday Munich 2019 Sessionize Event

November 2019 Munich, Germany

SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Brussels, Belgium

PowerPlatform Saturday Sweden 2019 Sessionize Event

October 2019 Stockholm, Sweden

SharePoint Saturday Helsinki 2019 Sessionize Event

September 2019 Helsinki, Finland

SharePoint & Office 365 Saturday Madrid 2019 Sessionize Event

June 2019 Madrid, Spain

Microsoft Techdays 2019 Sessionize Event

February 2019 Helsinki, Finland

SharePoint Saturday Bremen/North Germany 2019 Sessionize Event

February 2019 Bremen, Germany

Timo Pertilä

Microsoft MVP (Business Applications) / Power Platform + Microsoft 365 geek / Speaker / Blogger

Helsinki, Finland


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